Monday, January 16, 2012

Hoax: Invitation FACEBOOK is a Trojan Horse

Jika anda menerima berita ini:

In the coming days, you should be aware.....Do not open any message with an attachment called: Invitation FACEBOOK, regardless of who sent it. It is a virus that opens an OlympIc torch that burns the whole hard disc C of your computer.
This virus will be received from someone you had in your address book. That's why you should send this message to all your contacts. It is better to receive this email 25 times than to receive the virus and open it.
If you receive an email called: Invitation FACEBOOK, though sent by a friend, do not open it and delete it immediately. It is the worst virus announced by CNN. A new virus has been discovered recently that has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever.
It is a Trojan Horse that asks you to install an adobe flash plug-in. Once you install it, it's all over. And there is no repair yet for this kind of virus. This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the vital information of their function is saved.

Ini adalah hoax. Hoax itu adalah informasi yang dibuat seolah-olah benar tapi sebetulnya tidak benar.

Laman referensi untuk hoax ini:

Biasanya, orang membuat hoax:

1/ untuk iseng.
contoh hoax yang untuk iseng adalah isu yang belum lama ini muncul di BBM atau email yaitu �Badai Katrina akan mendatangi Jakarta�

2/ untuk menjatuhkan sebuah brand.
contoh hoax untuk menjatuhkan brand adalah berita mizone yang mengandung pengawet.
Berita ini muncul pada tahun 2006 yang menyebabkan produk mizone ditarik dari pasaran selama beberapa minggu.

itu saja.

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