Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Indonesia Peringkat Satu Negara Terbahagia Walau Dilanda Bencana Bertubi-tubi (Becanda Banget) membuat artikel yang cukup membingungkan. Artikel yang berjudul The Secrets Of The Happiest Countries In The World mengeluarkan data statistik peringkat negara yang tetap bahagia walaupun dilanda banjir, gempa, tumpahan limbah nuklir, virus flu burung dan lain-lain. Cukup membingungkan karena yang menjadi peringkat nomor satu adalah Indonesia!

Hasil polling ini diambil oleh perusahaan penelitian global, Ipsos, yang menggali dari hanya 18.687 orang dewasa di 24 negara, termasuk Indonesia:

Global research company Ipsos recently released results from its annual world happiness poll, which talked to 18,687 adults in 24 countries about their happiness. Surprisingly, 77% of people polled in November 2011 said they were "happy," while 22% reported that they were "very happy." In 2007, 20% of people reported that they were very happy.

Some countries are significantly happier than others (happiness is, of course, subjective). Indonesia, India Mexico, and Brazil lead the pack in happiness, while Russia, South Korea, and Hungary are all pretty miserable (see the chart). There are other factors as well: People who are under 25 are most likely to say they�re "very happy"; Latin American countries as a whole have the most "very happy" people; and people with high income and extensive education are also most likely to report being "very happy."


Dugaan saya sederhana. Orang Indonesia yang dimintai pendapat :
1. tidak mengerti apa yang ditanya, sehingga dijawab saja dengan YES YES YES.
2. berbohong dengan menjawab yang baik-baik saja supaya dapat sesuatu(mungkin souvenir atau voucher). Padahal dengan tetap menjawab yang tidak baik, souvenirnya pasti sama saja. Apakah ini pertanda bahwa bangsa ini memang mental penjilat?

Oh Indonesiaku�

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