Saya: hehehe.. becanda kok... atau karena saya daptar di indonesianblog trus otomatis ke daftar juga di blog indonesia kali yah??
Lita: Indonesian blog? yang pake sistem ranking berdasarkan trafik ya? Ngga lah.
Lita: Kamu sehari berapa posting. aku sebulan berapa posting beda aktivitas
Saya: Oh gitu yah... Baru tau sayah.
Lita: selamat datang di dunia blog yang penuh aturan (ternyata yaaa... )
Maaf yah Lit. Bodohnya saya. Ternyata perhitungan Blog indonesia itu berbeda dengan indonesiantopblog atau kampungblog:
Popularity is calculated based on number of click by the visitors when visiting the blog through blog-indonesia.
Number of click for the past 30 days is calculated and the more number of clicks received, the higher the rank.
If there are 2 or more blogs with equal number of clicks, the blog who received the most recent visit will get higher rank.
The same method applies for top 20 Popular this Month (using data of the past 30 days) and top 20 popular today (using data of the past 24 hours).
Please remember that this DOES NOT reflect blog's popularity in general. Many blogs are widely popular although do not receive many visits through blog-indonesia.
Jadi, sebetulnya perhitungan blog-indonesia bukan berdasarkan kunjungan langsung(direct visit) atau kunjungan nyasar via search engine. Tapi berdasarkan perhitungan jumlah klik melalui situs blog-indonesia. Bodohnya... Hahaha... (ketawa sendiri, gila)
Maklum, dah lama ga posting(2 hari dah lama?) Jadi kangen trus main buru-buru post tanpa tengok sana-sini(tanpa liat FAQ-nya).
Ok Adi, selamat datang di dunia blog yang bikin mumet!!
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